Message from the Chair

The Japanese Dental Science Federation
Masahito SUMITOMO, Chair of the Board

Contributing to the Nation and Our Members
On the left lapel of my suit is the badge of the Japanese Dental Science Federation, and on the right lapel is the badge of Habil-chan, the mascot character of the Federation. Let me tell you about the origin of Habil-chan.
When the public medical insurance system was revised in April 2020, the name of a childhood disease, “developmental insufficiency of oral function,” was newly created. However, some family members who saw the name of the disease at a dental clinic felt uncomfortable with the words “developmental insufficiency,” leading to calls for the name to be changed. This revealed a difference in the perception of words between the general public and healthcare professionals who handle the names of diseases in the health insurance system. Concerning the name of the disease “developmental insufficiency of oral function,” our medical treatment aims to support the development (habilitation) of oral functions in children. Therefore, after considering more familiar common names, we registered one focusing mainly on “Habil.” There are terms such as “metabo” for metabolic syndrome and “locomo” for locomotive syndrome, which are not formal disease names in medicine. The origin of this new name involved the Priority Research Committee of the Japanese Association for Dental Science, an organization of the Japan Dental Association. The Committee proposed to the Japan Dental Association to submit a trademark registration for Habil-chan. However, partly because the Association had created a PR character, “Yobousan,” the Japanese Dental Science Federation, which has legal status, was advised to register it.
Habil-chan, the mascot character of the Japanese Dental Science Federation, has played a major role as the face of dentistry in extending healthy life expectancy by maintaining and restoring oral functions since childhood. In order to make Habil-chan more widely known, we created her sister and are now publicly soliciting a name for her on our website*1.
Using these two characters, we will carry out PR activities toward society. To learn more about the medical purposes, please watch a YouTube video featuring Habil-chan*2.
The Japanese Dental Science Federation is currently engaged in the development of dental innovation to contribute to its members and to develop a permanent activity for dental needs. We have held medical-needs matching meetings with companies and others. Meanwhile, the utilization of ICT has advanced rapidly, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are also planning and considering a matching system where medical needs from members are gathered in a “Needs Post” using generative AI, and the needs are then addressed by supporting member companies, etc. through a “Seeds Post.” Needless to say, the advancement of new medical technologies benefits the health of the nation. We hope that by implementing ideas in society, the technologies will be applauded, to the benefit of each member.
Eight years have passed since the foundation of the Federation in 2016. As an academic organization, we will continue our multifaceted activities to contribute to the nation and our members.
Please visit and use our website at every opportunity. Thank you.
May 5, 2024