Japan Endodontic Association

Japan Endodontic Association (JEA) was established in 1980 with the purpose of striving for the advancement of medical care and contributing to QOL of the people, by systematizing endodontology as academic field and applying it to practice. JEA member count is approximately 2,500. Since practitioners make up the majority of JEA membership, JEA aims for the unity of both academic and clinical knowledge.

The main activities are organizing academic conferences (once / year), hosting board meetings (3 times / year), holding training sessions (3 times / year), accreditation clinical training sessions ( twice a year), specialist seminars (once a year), and publication of journals (3 times / year). JEA also actively engages in international exchange. JEA has made an exchange agreement with AAE (American Association of Endodontists) and KAE (Korean Academy of Endodontics), making both associations possible to visit each other and to hold executive meetings every year. JEA is also cooperating with the IFEA (International Federation of Endodontic Associations) and APEC (Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation) as a member organization.

The outstanding feature of JEA is the training of "Endodontic Specialists" who require a higher level of specialist knowledge and skill in the endodontic field, and its contribution to public health care. Furthermore, JEA announced a Proclamation of Dissociation with Tobacco (2002) and a Proclamation of Tobacco Free (2015), thus assuring absolute smoke-free environments at all locations related to JEA activities, and promoting a tobacco free environment for JEA members as well.


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