Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function
The origins of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function are in the 1982 launch of a Mandible Movement Function and EMG Research Association. Afterwards, in 1993,we changed our name to the Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function. As you know, the maintenance of stomatognathic functions such as mastication, swallowing, and pronunciation, or the recovery from damages to those functions, is an important issue essential for a healthy lifestyle. Our academic society searches for the fundamental and clinical truths regarding those kinds of functions of the stomatognathic system. And for the goal of actualizing the development and advancement therein, we have continually engaged in ongoing activities and have generated a large quantity of achievements.
Stomatognathic function forms the foundation of the entire dental domain and it links with many specialist domains including dental science and adjacent medical fields, spanning from fundamental research to the clinical domain. Also, since stomatognathic function is an extremely complex function, in order to conduct investigations and accurately evaluate function in the clinical arena, the development of a wide array of analysis devices and examination devices are necessary. In our society, researchers in dental prosthetics, dental orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, and many other clinical domains, fundamental domains such as oral physiology, and even specialist engineering related domains participate in interdisciplinary activities as members.