The Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation
The Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation was established in 1987 as the Japan Association of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics under our first President, Atsushi Yamashita of the First Department of Prosthodontics at the Okayama University Dental School. As an arena to train in the clinical physiology oriented research of cranio-mandibular orthopedics impediments, our first academic congress was held in September of that year at the Osaka Chisun Hotel. Afterwards, we became a registered organization of the Science Council of Japan and were promoted to the status of academic association. After Osaka Dental University, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion, Professor Takayoshi Kawazoe was inaugurated as our second President in 1999, our association accredited physician system was established on September 11, 2004. In 2007, Professor Kenji Kakudo from the Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Osaka Dental University was inaugurated as the third President. Furthermore, from July 2011 onward we changed our name to the Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation. Professor Kenji Kakudo was inaugurated to the position of President. And from April 1, 2013 onward, entry into Japanese Association for Dental Science Accredited Subcommittee status was approved. We have held 31 academic congress total as of 2017. Because we are the only academic society devoted to the rehabilitation domain within the field of dentistry, we feel that we must further increase our role as a specialist organization providing academic grounds for elements related to rehabilitation in the dentistry domain for future NHI point revision.